10 Ways to spend time with God Daily

0117160810Spending time with God on a daily basis can be difficult. Most people are  busy from the moment they wake until the moment they crawl into bed. I am typically a high anxiety, overstressed woman. By adding time with God on a daily basis I have become less stressed, happier, more content, and overall a more positive person. I want to share some of the ways that Nathan and I add “Jesus Time” into our daily lives.

10 Ways to Spend Time With God Daily:

  1. Breakfast Bible Time: I either read a chapter of my Bible or I do a section of a Bible study while I drink my protein shake. This has been a huge blessing in my life and sets me up for a better day.
  2. Pray Before Getting Out of Bed: This is something that Nathan does every morning. He has found that he is more likely to spend a lengthier time with God if he does it before ever getting out of bed (I personally don’t do this because I wake up too hungry to stay in bed).
  3. Go for a Walk: Nathan goes for a walk every day during his lunch break. He uses this time to pray and just spend time with God (As an added bonus you get some fresh air and a little exercise).
  4. Join a Bible Study: Most churches offer weekly Bible studies. If  you can’t find one at your local church, you can always start one with your friends, co-workers or your family!
  5. Pray Throughout Your Day: I pray throughout my day. If I am stressed at work, worried about a loved one or grateful about something, I will pray inside my head. It doesn’t have to be a long prayer and you can do it anywhere!
  6. Read During Lunch: You can bring your Bible or Bible study book to work and read it during your lunch break. This can help center you on what really matters in life and energize you for the rest of the day.
  7. Christian Entertainment: I was raised on TV and I love watching TV. However, Nathan and I have noticed that we are both more irritable, tired, anxious, stressed, and introverted when we watch TV shows. By replacing secular entertainment with Christian entertainment I have become more social, happy, energized and content with life. I have switched out my TV shows would Christian Non-Fiction books (The Amish books are actually really good)!
  8. Listen to Christian Music: I enjoy listening to Christian radio on my way to work. If I need something a little more energizing I will play my Skillet CD (If you don’t know who they are, I strongly suggest looking them up on-line).
  9. Pray Before Each Meal: Giving thanks for each meal reminds me of how much I have to be grateful for.
  10. Pray Before Bed: Nathan and I pray together every night. We start off by thanking God for things He has blessed us with that day and then we pray for each other. Praying together has really improved our marriage!

Feel free to incorporate a few of these into your daily lives, or all of them. You should start to see some major changes in your life and in your relationship with Jesus!

God Bless!

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